Whiplash Treatments

Whiplash is a common injury that leaves many people suffering, sometimes for years to come. If you are among these people, Dr. Roy Brown at Chirodoc in Manchester, MO, provides whiplash relief through natural and effective chiropractic techniques.

Whiplash: How It Occurs and How to Find Relief

The human neck has many types and layers of soft tissue that help support the weight of your head and your movements. These tissues are accustomed to a certain amount of pressure and range of motion. When the tissues exceed this pressure and range, they become damaged.

Whiplash is one of the most common ways in which this occurs. The neck is forcefully moved or whipped in one direction and then another. The soft tissues go beyond their normal range of motion and develop tears, which cause symptoms such as:

  • Inflammation
  • Neck and shoulder stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Blurry vision
  • Fatigue and much more

Most people are familiar with whiplash as an auto accident injury. In fact, it is one of the most common injuries caused by car collisions. However, it can occur during many incidents and settings, including while playing sports.

Chiropractic Care for Whiplash

It’s often thought that rest – and possibly ice – alone can relieve whiplash, but this is typically not the case. It may reduce some symptoms slightly, but resting too long can increase stiffness. Additionally, whiplash often coincides with underlying injuries, such as misalignment or herniated discs.

Chiropractic care can be incredibly effective in relieving whiplash. Generally, the first goal in chiropractic whiplash relief is to make movement easier and more comfortable. Dr. Brown and the team at Chirodoc in Manchester, MO, offer several techniques to make this happen, including but not limited to:

  • Therapeutic massage to help relieve tension, release trigger points, and improve blood flow
  • Acupuncture to stimulate a healing response
  • Ultrasound therapy to relieve tension
  • Electrical muscle stimulation to relieve muscle spasms and tension, as well as improve blood flow
  • Therapeutic exercises to help stretch the neck and shoulders gently

When the tension and inflammation have been reduced enough that movement is more comfortable, other techniques can be employed. Spinal adjustments, for example, are a critical component of care as they restore alignment of the vertebrae and relieve pressure from the discs. Traction therapy and other techniques might be utilized, depending on your specific needs.

If you’re searching for natural, lasting, and comprehensive whiplash relief in or around Manchester, MO, call (636) 230-3783 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Brown at Chirodoc.

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